In the annals of lounge lore, the saqi once hailed as the dispenser of libations and merriment.

Now, we're redefining saqi as a gracious hostess, gracefully uniting kindred spirits in a symphony of captivating banter, lavish libations, and, culinary marvels that dance upon the palate.
Within the walls of our gatherings, akin to vibrant tapestries woven with threads of shared experiences, like-minded souls converge to engage in the art of captivating conversation, accompanied by libations of the finest ilk and a feast fit for epicurean royalty.

Our soirées transcend the mere act of dining; they are meticulously crafted odysseys where every morsel, every sip, beckons exploration and connection.

With each gathering we curate, we extend an invitation to our guests to find themselves in the art of meaningful interaction— a whimsical journey where stories intertwine, friendships blossom, and taste buds are sent into rapturous delight.

So let us raise our glasses, not just in toast, but in homage to the enduring tradition of uniting over delectable fare, and to the ineffable charm of the saqi spirit. Welcome, dear revelers, to casa saqi—where every gathering is a whimsical celebration of of connection and culinary bliss.

Cheers to the saqi within us all!

Have a cuppa

Come, have a seat, pour yourself a cuppa, and join us on a whimsical voyage through the world of epicurean delights. Dive into our newsletter and immerse yourself in a delightful tapestry where tales weave together, friendships bloom, and taste buds embark on a journey of heavenly indulgence. What are you waiting for—sign up now and let the adventure begin!
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